Monday, November 18, 2019

Witchy PreCure (Maho Girls PreCure!): Beach Time (Episode 25)

Here's another beach post on PreCure, this one is about Mirai and her friends go to the beach after gotten excited by the prospect of eating shaved ice. Despite warnings from Mirai and Riko, Kotoha kept using her magic to try and make things more exciting causing the two to wear out from keeping things under control while Kotha herself head to an cave which was a trap sent by Yamoh which cause her to fight the Yokubal monster.


  1. This is totally awesome! Love what I see Custom.

    1. This is one of the beach episodes with swimsuits in PreCure.

  2. Dan, I'd almost caught up with all of the PreCure series since only Hugtto is the only one I am watching now.

  3. Replies
    1. I have caught up with almost all of the PreCure shows and only Hugtto is the only one left.
