Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 54 Highlights

After the chaos from the sport festival in the last chapter, things calm down a bit at school in Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San and Komura's master is dropping by to check on her student.
Master Ayui is fun to hang out with as an true foot fan. If Komura successfully go with her master's lessons back in Chapter 45 then she would have shown us an new Foot Ability, too bad it failed this time due to her hesitation.


  1. Master Ayui is okay. A whole lot better than potty mouth, and Miss Congeniality.

    1. So I guess shes Muten Ashi. Get it?
      Like Muten roshi? Pervy master.

    2. More like Master Ashi or Sole Ace.

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