Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Ones Within: Karin Sarayashiki

Karin is protective of herself and doesn't trust people easily. She naturally has a cold attitude towards most people, only letting down her guard with people she is comfortable with. She often jumps to conclusions given the situation she is in and has a short temper. Given any circumstance, she most likely will think the worst possible explanation for it, and always have a suspicious or careful view of the incident.
Although she specializes in horror games, she admits that it is difficult to enjoy horror when it is happening to her in real life. During some of her live streams, she gives off a "crazy" or "going off the deep end" vibe, also affecting her reputation with the nickname, "The Bluffing Cursed Princess".


  1. Wonderful. It could be a musical like Bedknobs and Broomsticks. We'll call it, Washtubs and Bathtowels.

    1. Wow, I didn't think I'd get more reactions. I'm not even sure how they would go about performing a musical like that.
