Monday, February 10, 2020

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 57 Highlights

This is it, the final chapter of this foot fetish manga, Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san. Komura show off her foot skills to an big crowd and Tsukinaga was watching her perform.
Well, guys, it's been fun hanging out with Komura and hopefully, we will get an anime adaptation on this foot fetish manga. All we can do now is look back on the footsie goodness on Komura and friends. Next month, I will post some of my favorite foot shots on Komura. But some of you think that this is just filler with nothing to offer other than feet. I wish that the ending would have shown more on Komura and Tsukinaga's wedding and to shown what they are doing in their future. For all things female foot love, keep it here on Anime Feet.


  1. The ending put a smile on my face. He willingly kisses her toe and agrees to marry her :-)

    Can't wait for the anime.

    1. Hopefully, it would expand the story of this manga.

  2. Sad this was a weak manga. Most of it was just filler, hardly any character development, and it just ends with him proposing

    1. Do you find this manga very bad to begin with?

    2. Thought it had promise but the filler really dragged on

    3. So this manga is such a big disappointment because of the filler?

  3. Yes! Perfect happy ending! Good luck to those two and sayonara Lulue.

  4. Did this manga get axed or was it supposed to end here?

    1. My guess is the first question. I don't know what really happened.

    2. Great, if that's the case we then we won't get an anime.

    3. Does this bad news make you upset?

    4. It was pretty short lived, for a manga. Probably forced to wrap things up. I imagine someone higher up in publishing liked it for the novelty alone, and nothing more. Editor brow-beating, marketing middlemen and tight deadlines certainly snuffs out the life of most series much more sooner. I just don't think it was allowed to live up to it's full potential, which it may have actually achieved in the form of a online doujinshi or net serious, perhaps.

    5. @Benny: In other words, executive meddling?

    6. I tend to think so but it still wouldn't rule out low readership. But most big companies (being antiquated in there ways) usually don't even understand how to handle innovation when it's not their own. If they can't separate the idea from the creator and make it palatable themselves, they just end up killing something that could have been interesting. They have to feel they own the whole concept, usually; that whole shitstorm that happened with Kodakawa and Kemeno Friends' director comes to mind.

    7. Custom, yeah, I little, but I've grown used to gems like this ending too early an never getting animated. Still a suckish feeling though.

    8. I see, Chris. I hated when things series ends too early or too soon, leaving a ton of character development and other stuff behind.

  5. Was a highly experimental, risk taking but unique idea. Much too bizarre for the average schmo, still though, would be interesting to see how things developed longer down the road.

    1. Probably so, I never thought of having a foot fetish manga to be a real thing.

  6. This was so good man. I like the ending. He accepted her foot in marriage.

    There is still Hiro Mashima providing foot moments in his manga.

  7. Spectacular. This manga will definitely remain a legend among foot fans. Kudos to its creator and great set of posts for it Custom. ^_^

  8. Will there be an anime adaptation?
