Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Fairy Tail: Ikaruga

Ikaruga has long, bright pink hair which is tied on top of her head in two large buns. She has a curvaceous figure, peach skin, a beauty mark underneath each eye and sports red lipstick.

She wears a long, slightly loose white kimono with a red stripe in between two black stripes around the waist as well as a red triangle at the bottom of her dress, decorated by flames and skulls motifs, open at the top to reveal her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage; it's closed around the waist by a large black belt adorned with a horned skull. Her guild insignia is incorporated into her kimono and seen at the end of both of its sleeves.  the anime, however, both the skulls on her robe and the one on her belt are left out. She also has ribbons tied around the sleeves, a buckled strap around her neck and traditional sandals with extremely high platforms soles. Her guild insignia can be seen at the bottom of her robe; sakura petals can often be seen floating around her.


  1. Very nice. And you know what I'm going to say. How she walks in those is beyond me.

  2. Funny enough, Ikaruga actually loses one of her sandals during the fight with Erza and you can see her foot completely bare in the manga.
