Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tsugumomo: Kiriha Season (1&2)

Kiriha is a straightforward and eccentric Tsukumogami with a very unusual personality. She's boastful and self-centered, mostly impulsively acting based on how she feels like with little concern over consequences. Kiriha is bossy and likes to be the one in charge of making decisions, disliking following orders from others. She prefers to have others take care of all her necessities and desires, having them fulfill all her requests even forcefully if she has to. As a result, she comes off as slightly violent and has little patience when things don not go her way. She is easy-going, carefree and abrasive, displaying full confidence in herself and presenting herself with a determined expression. On the other hand, she is also quite lazy and self-indulgent, disliking having to work on anything from the daily life aside from her duty erasing aberrations, making her a somewhat selfish and unconcerned person. 


Season 2


  1. Replies
    1. What's with Gammy only into gifs and not the pictures?

    2. Custom i'm pretty sure it's not just the gifs that Gammy only into the gifs just make it more interesting to see. Well i think 😅

    3. I already told him, this is the 18th time he’s asked this. I don’t think he’s looking for answer.

    4. Dean: I see.

      Gammy: 18th time? I don't know that was that many I asked you the same thing.

  2. This show was made for foot fetish
    Did she stomp his balls?

  3. If she's the last one, great finale. But if there are more characters, I can only imagine what's to come.

  4. Dude should consider him lucky to sleep with a lady's foot in his face.

  5. The series lead in this seems to wind up getting very lucky. :-)
