Thursday, December 1, 2022

Valerian & Laureline: Time Jam: Laureline (Part 1 of 2).

Laureline was a young acrobatic performer in a traveling troupe.  While performing in a Norman village in the year 912 AD she has a run in with a rather nasty Lord Wilfrid De Tancarville.  Fortunately, for Laureline, the proceedings were being observed by a space-time agent named Valerian.  This leads to her rather illegal rescue.  When the two get to 2417 the pair find that the Earth is somehow missing, and the couple start their adventure.  

Laureline herself can be hot headed and stubborn, but adapts very quickly to her futuristic surroundings.  She prefers to be out in nature and has a desire to settle down in a quite area; contrasting Valerians love of metallic surroundings and  yearning to keep moving on.