Friday, June 26, 2020

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Kipo Oak

An young, caring curious girl who is searching for her family after an disaster causing her being forced to flee from her underground city called Las Vistas. To do so, she travel through an overgrown post-apocalyptic urban wasteland ruled by sentient mutant animals called "mutes", together with her new friends Wolf, Mandu, Benson and Dave. Just before her 13th birthday, she started to noticed that she was getting increasingly strange abilities alongside disturbing physical mutations. This is from Episodes 1 and 7.

Episode 1
Episode 7


  1. American artists really lost the ability in drawing female feet. Their either very ugly drawn, to the point that they look more like a stick, or, if they have a good character design, the female characters have to look more like boys like in the Voltron or She-ra reboot. Man... I miss the days where an artist could draw even a tickle scene where a girl got tickled on their feet like TMNT did with April O'Neil. But those days are sadly over... Thank god we still have Japanese and European cartoons!

    1. Quit complaining and be happy with what we got

    2. The ld times were better. Now everything has to be pc.

    3. What are you talking about, Erich? What are the Id times?

    4. Can you tell me when did cartoon feet used to be as good as drawn well?

  2. She looks like a much uglier Kaolla Su. I bet she's still a nice girl though.

    1. The show got an second season on Netflix and I found it to be OK.

  3. Dan, do you think cartoon feet are not as drawn well as anime ones?

    1. Depends on the cartoon. Some are much better than others.

    2. So you seen many cartoons with different styles?

    3. OK. Do you think this is an ugly pair of feet?

    4. Sort of, but I've seen way worse.

  4. I've seen better looking feet on the Flintstones.

    1. Basically, newer cartoons have badly drawn feet?

    2. @Benny: LOL! Good one Benny.

    3. Well you could argue there just being different stylization of art, however, there is this current trend of overusing very similar styles where everything appears to have this deformed anatomy that makes for a much more easier, quicker process for mass-production. Which is understandable why many just find it lackluster and cheap looking, even CGI movies like Pixar/Disney and Dreamworks share similar qualities with the tiny feet and hands. But I've been noticing changes in quality as far back as Batman/Superman, when compared to the older Batman TAS. I'm sperglording a bit, but The only modern US cartoons I've noticed recently, that still depict any decent anatomy, would be like those Animated direct-to-video super hero features.

    4. Yeah, they also like to take shortcuts, and give the characters four fingers and toes instead of five.

    5. I see. Companies care more on quantity over quality in character design like more on cashing in on properties than care more on, art, passion and hard work creators and artists had done.

  5. I binged watched this series I loved it

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