Friday, July 10, 2020

DNA²: Karin Aoi

She's an DNA Observer from the future, whose mission is to travel back in the past for the mission to stop the Mega Playboy from awakening which caused her to shoot Junta Momonari with a specific DMC that will eradicate the Mega Playboy DNA out of him. While she finds and shoots him fast enough, she learned that she accidentally shot him with the wrong DMC. Instead of removing the DNA, it has caused the Mega Playboy to be brought to life too early. Because of her mistake, she was forced to work with Junta to control over his Mega Playboy side of his DNA before it takes over him completely. This is from Episode 3.


  1. She looks cool, I like her design.

  2. Great feet, but annoying character.

  3. Replies
    1. Yup I think it started when I saw tenchi muyo for the first time
      I fell in love with sasami
      Same thing with sailor mercury

    2. @Keychan: Two of my all time favorites!

    3. But as I got older I awakend to my true love MIHOSHIII😍
      the things I'd do to her...*drool*

    4. She's a klutz, and acts like a classic dumb blond. But I believe she's actually smarter than she looks.

    5. she also has a mysterious power and has a separate personality...she wasn't always a ditzy clutz

    6. Mihoshi is much nicer than Kiyone. Although I think Kiyone has better looking feet. I have a feeling if Kiyone was a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Mihoshi would be a valuable phone a friend.

  4. If I remember well the manga had a nice sole shot
