Monday, July 6, 2020

Noein: To Your Other Self: Haruka Kaminogi (Repost) (Part 1 of 4)

I've been meaning to do this for a while now. So, to give her some new exposure to newer bloggers and to have all the images in chronological order, I'm re-doing posts for my #1 waifu, Haruka Kaminogi. For those who are unfamiliar with her, Haruka is the 12 year old central protagonist in Noein, a sci-fi anime dealing with quantum physics, time travel, future scenarios, family relationships, and everyday life. Haruka unintentionally possesses the Dragon Torque, which allows her to be the ultimate observer, see the past and future, and even alter the future at will. So needless to say, she is sought over by many time travelers from the future to harness her power, which she obviously never even wanted to have in the first place. It's very appropriate now with summer here, and the series taking place during the same season. For one reason or another, Haruka's bare feet get a ton of exposure throughout the series. As always, I hope you all enjoy her as much as I do. This first part covers Episodes 1-6.


  1. This one much better great post Dan.

    1. Thanks. After it was first posted a while back, I had added a ton of more images since then. Now it will be in the correct order. There are posts for her scheduled through Thursday.

  2. Dan, your repost on Noein is better than the one came before.

    1. The next 3 will also have a few surprises that were not here before.
