Thursday, July 30, 2020

Temporary Confirming Comments

Some of you might have noticed that this blog is getting spammed by explicit messages and links. For the time being I am setting the comments to must be approved until these comments stop appearing on this blog. Sorry for the complications.


  1. I think I got one from some of the posts I followed too. :(

  2. Good precaution Match.

    Guys please be very careful and avoid clicking any strange links in comments. We've been pretty quick with clearing away the spam messages and they should be locked off while moderation is on but just be on guard in case one of them slips through.

  3. I think I was the one who discovered this first. My mailbox has been blowing up with these comments because of all the notify me boxes I've checked. I have no idea how they're doing this, that's obviously something we don't want to see here.

  4. It's called ransomware. They spam you with smut and then seize control of your device and extort you for hundreds of dollars so what you saw doesn't go public, but trying to hijack your device and unlock it is just phase one. Phase two is phishing (real world identity exposure) your personal data as you try to overcome the viruses. You may need a dedicated blog firewall installed, pronto.

    1. Thanks Vorthix. I know they'll appreciate the tip.

  5. Whoa. Thanks for the heads up,Match. I'll be on the look out.

  6. Uh you got the wrong date, today's the Saturday 25th of July.

  7. Replies
    1. I pinned it till the 30th so people could see why comments are taking time to appear and avoid clicking on the dangerous links.

    2. Yes by putting a later date on the post so it remains on the main page for a longer period of time.

    3. For how long will this go on? I can't just wait till the reply appears.

    4. What are you talking about Sonic? King did reply to your comments above.
