Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Uninhabited Planet Survive: Luna

Luna grew up with her father on Mars. When her father died, she studied hard and won a scholarship from the Howard Foundation. She moved to Colony Loca A2 along with her pet robot cat Chako. She is a born leader and always seems to bring out the good in everyone. She seems to always be happy, although the thought of her father's death still holds deep in her heart. She doesn't like to see anyone hurt, and will go out of her way to save someone. Although her plans all have good intentions, sometimes they don't turn out the way she wants them to. She seems to be able to see other's memories when with her in the Fairy Lake.

Young Luna


  1. Oh yeah, I remember seeing Luna before. Dean, I really don't know how you do it. You always seem to find characters I've seen in the past that I liked. Is this really all there is for her in 52 episodes?

    1. Sadly Yes that's all she had.

    2. Aw, what a shame. She seems to me like the Haruka type. Kind of a tweener between a girly girl and a tomboy, and someone who prefers wearing their shoes without socks.

    3. That's the same thing i thought to but i did see her wearing shoes without socks.

    4. Oh, that's what I said originally.

  2. Getting heavy Digimon vibes from these
