Sunday, August 23, 2020

Super HxEros: Shiko Murasam (Original post)

Shiko Murasame is an HxEro from the HxEro Tokyo branch. Her and moena met when Retto was fighting censor bugs and they were there at the same time to do the same thing. Before becoming a HxEro she was hypersensitive and therefore couldn't even touch people. After becoming one, in the opposite, she couldn't feel any H-Energy until Retto managed to do it which made her fall in love with him.


  1. Replies
    1. @Dean: There's no stealing here.

      @Reggie: We know. Just think of it as 2 versions or tributes of the same character.

    2. um no I didn't you may have gotten the show but you never drafted this character

    3. I did draft this character and you stole it all you do lie.

    4. Reggielacey22 don't listen to GumballW he stole it from me and now he's trying lie about like always.

  2. Double post, but whats up with the stars on the naughty bits? Different broadcaster?
