Saturday, August 15, 2020

Super HxEros: Shiko Murasame (Episode 7)

Shiko Murasame is an HxEro from the HxEro Tokyo branch. Her and moena met when Retto was fighting censor bugs and they were there at the same time to do the same thing. Before becoming a HxEro she was hypersensitive and therefore couldn't even touch people. After becoming one, in the opposite, she couldn't feel any H-Energy until Retto managed to do it which made her fall in love with him.


  1. Damn, wasn't prepared for that, still too early.

  2. Great detail. I'm still on the fence with whether or not I'd want to be in his position though.

    1. She might be a little too aggressive, and as a personal preference, I'm more into vanilla skinned girls.

  3. Wow, that last set of pictures tho. This is the most detailed foot I've ever seen in all anime ever. It might just be the most detailed one in all of anime history. This wrinkled sole actually looks on point.

  4. Retto, you lucky bastard, what I would give to be in your position! 8D
