Saturday, September 26, 2020

Catwoman Vol 2: Issues 21-40

It's been awhile. :-) Today's post is a continuation of Catwoman post I did awhile back covering her second comic book series. Just to recap, back in  2017 I covered the first 20 issues of the series. This post covers issues issues 21-40. Now that we are in the middle of the series some of the villains have wised up and recognized that Catwoman's gloves and boots have claws built into them... the smarter ones confiscate those accessories upon capturing her allowing us to witness some cool barefoot action scenes. 😸

Throughout the course of the series Selina demonstrates a wide range of kicks showing off the power of her feet.  I tried to capture as many of them as I could 
Kai aka Hellhound lucks out quite a bit in this getting a very up close and personal view of Selina's feet.

A little bit of Robin (Tim drake) guest appearance in her series. We get to see her dominate him a bit with her whip.

There were actually a lot more dominations scenes I wanted to incorporate into this tribute that wound up being cut. I'm planning to side post with additional domination scenes on Anime Foot Notes in the future.

Selina's white outfit is from the contagion storyline where a virus ravages Gotham city. She travelled to the artic and the white was used for camouflage.

One of the storyline in this series flashes back to her early years as a villainess in Gotham. Hence her gray outfit

In the story we see Catwoman adopt her purple costume design. :-)

More of this version of Catwoman can be found in this earlier tribute to Catwoman here:

You can also find additional tributes to this character using the Anime Feet Catwoman label here:

Earlier this year DC celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Catwoman character. The character has a really rich history being a classic villainess, anti-hero, rogue with a heart of gold and even overtly heroic on occasion. Catwoman was one my first fictional character crushes in my childhood and my first villainess crush. I used to fantasize about getting captured by her and dominated by her feet. :-)

Of the artists to draw the Catwoman character, the primary artist who drew this series Jim Balent is one of my favorites. He knows how to make her look really sexy. I also really like her purple costume a lot. It is one of her best looks with her hair on display. :-)

I want to apologize to everyone for another long gap between posts. Work for me was just really hectic. My schedule sadly is still pretty busy but it lightened just enough that I am able to be a little bit more active on the weekends. I'll try to post at least once a week if I'm able to. I'll probably be doing a lot of comic book related post. I've also been working on some new storyline's for my interactive story Comic Book Woman's feet so its easier to research for both the blog and the story simultaneously. I will still be posting some anime and cartoon feet as well and I'll try to knock off some longstanding tributes in my backlog. I also want to upgrade the layout of the site but we'll see how much I am able to get to.

Ok everyone... that's all for now. As always more to come soon!


  1. Great post King!! I'm a big fan of catwoman.

    1. Thanks so much Richfeet. :-) I like Catwoman a lot too.

  2. Hello Kitty! Whoops, that's another character entirely. Purrrrfect tribute King.

  3. Just as a sidenote has a bandwidth limitation that might prevent people from accessing the Comic Book Women's Feet story. I created a backup on blogger here so everyone will be able to get to it. Right now only the Supergirl storylines are fully transferred over but I'm working to transfer more characters.
