Thursday, October 8, 2020

Custom's Picks: Dragon's Dogma

This short series is based on the CAPCOM game that came out in 2012, it's about a man named Ethan, one of the residents of the village of Cassardis, has his life suddenly changed from underneath him when a Dragon attacks and destroys the village, killing his wife, son and unborn child in the process, the next day, he wakes up and realized that his heart is gone and an challenge issued to him by the Dragon, telling him to seek it out and claim vengeance for his dead family. Accompanying Ethan on his quest for vengeance is Hannah, a Pawn summoned to his side and serve the newly minted Arisen as his protector. This reminds me a bit of Castlevania, another Netflix series based on an video game due to the dark, bloody nature and being an revenge story. These are from Episodes 1, 4-6.


  1. Dan, I tried to make this post suitable for this blog as possible.

  2. Well you did a fine job with the censorship.

  3. The anime itself has a few nudity parts even one sex scene.
