Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween Quickie Post 4: Saya Otonashi

 This is an image I had tucked away of Saya from Blood+

I always wanted to do a tribute to Saya but material for her was pretty limited as far as I know. I did do a tribute to her sister Diva (which Saya guests stars) here:
and GumballW  posted some tributes from the sequel series here as well. :-)

Saya is a very cool and strong female character. She is the daughter of a Vampire queen* making her really powerful and she uses that power to protect the world from vampires. A true heroine and hot as well. 

Still some more Halloween posts to come!

-Haunted Castle Keeper

*Tecnically a Chiropteran Mummy


  1. Now her, I really like. You got a real winner with that pic.

  2. Yeah! Saya is so cool! I’m actually still watching Blood+ right now. One of my favorite anime characters right now. This is a VERY nice pic of Saya’s feet! Thanks!

  3. Yeah! Saya is so cool! I’m actually still watching Blood+ right now. One of my favorite anime characters right now. This is a VERY nice pic of Saya’s feet! Thanks!

  4. Yeah! Saya is so cool! I’m actually still watching Blood+ right now. One of my favorite anime characters right now. This is a VERY nice pic of Saya’s feet! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Brandon. ^_^ Very cool. Blood+ is a good series to watch and Saya is a great character. :-)
