Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Replacements: Riley Eugene Darling (Episode 2-A)

I know there was an post of this girl before but in this one, I just do the episode where she got her makeup in "Cinderiley", where the toes of her right foot is showcased when she is getting her toenails painted red with a unicorn on the big toe. Nice!


  1. On an unrelated note is anyone doing far cry 5? I got some good picks of faith seed
    But i don't wanna step on anyone's toes

    1. I don't think so, there's nothing drafted or scheduled for that. I think you're in the clear.

    2. Does that game got good female feet?

    3. It's pretty meh except for this one boss

    4. OK, she might be tough to beat.

  2. Very nice. She should have had 5 toes though.

    1. Seriously, cartoon feet like this have four toes instead of normal five in other shows and anime.

  3. Replies
    1. Only in Season 1. But she has 5 toes in Season 2 and so forth.

    2. I'm guessing that will be more of her feet later.

  4. Could someone cover Fujimura Taiga from Fate Stay Night UBW. I know she actually got covered on the site some years ago, but the pictures don't show anymore on her page (likewise for some other anime girls page on the site for that matter), so I think it would be great if it was reposted again. Will someone accept my request? I would be very grateful :).

    1. I might but are you referring to the TV version of UBW or the movie?

    2. The TV anime, but if there can be some extra barefoot shots of her in the movie, why not I guess. What do you think?

    3. I remember watching both the movie and the TV series and I don't think that there were that many foot shots on the girls.

    4. There actually are, in the anime series that is. Granted there are no close-ups of her feet, but she is often barefoot at Shiro's home. I even have a video on the japanese site niconico video compiling all of Taiga's moments in the entire anime. Now the movie I really don't know cause I didn't watch it (neither did I actually watch the anime for that matter). If she already got covered back then in the site, then that means she's worth it ;).

    5. Oh, sorry, I forgot, Mega Pulsar.

    6. Nah no problem, I get you might not be able to be everywhere all the time, being a contributor to the site and having your own life and all.

      Don't worry, you can forget, for I'll be here to remember x).

    7. You're welcome. I'll just wait for you to let me know if you'll cover Taiga or not (or maybe I'll ask you on one of your upcoming posts).

  5. Great post Custom. ^_^ Always awesome to see a Pedicure scene. ^_^
