Sunday, November 1, 2020

Poll of the Month 87

I know that a lot you are accessing blogger from your mobile phones these days so the sidebar might be hidden hence I'm creating a post for the new poll this month

This month's poll is focused on Legacy characters. With spinoffs to popular series showing up a lot recently. I'm curious to know if you guys have a favorite female character from a spin-off series. All of the women in this are the descendants of characters from popular series. They each have become popular in their own right. If you a chance to spend your future at the feet of one of these girls, who would it be?

As always voting is relatively anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote in this one. I am curious to see which girl is your favorite?

Ok guys. That's in for now. As always though... more to come soon!



  1. At least Moroha is the newest girl on the block.

    1. Yes. ^_^ That character was the inspiration for this poll.

  2. So much recency bias up in here XD Hard pick for me between Heather Mason and Spider-Girl, with Korra as a close third. Heather won out because the poor girl's been through a lot and her feet could use some loving on.

    1. :-) I'm surprise Moroha is beating some classics on this list. Very nice choice. I love Heather too.
