Sunday, February 14, 2021

Dot and the Kangaroo (1977): Dot

Today marks “Dot week” where I will be posting posts of Dot from all nine of her movies. As they go on she’ll start looking a little bit different. Now for the rundown, Dot cares very much for all creatures great and small and particularly the kangaroo who finds her when she is lost in Dot and the Kangaroo. Dot will go to many lengths, such as going to Antarctica or even to Space, at the risk of her own life and freedom to help animals and people in need. Dot also has a passion for dancing and singing.


  1. I’ve been hoping someone would post her.

  2. AWESOME! That's my favorite childhood movie!

  3. Holy shit, Dot! Haven't seen these since I was a toddler, Dot and the Whale was by far the best one.

  4. I feel like I've missed out of this old movies.

  5. Oh dude, you are the best! I have all nine of these films. Everyone was a little different in the style of animation. And they've made Dot look cuter every time. Awesome of you to feature her.

    1. Seriously, I really do missed out of all of these old cartoon movies. I am stupid to not know this.
