Monday, February 8, 2021

The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper: Cinderella

Cinderella needs no introduction but this version of her got stinky feet (which I like) and wears flats and boots (both are notorious for making feet sweat and smell fast). This is from the spinoff on the Casper movie and the episode segment "Stinkie Time Theater" in Episode 6 of Season 3.


  1. Replies
    1. The whole stinky thing? People keep passing out?

    2. Yes, and the fact they made Cinderella have stinky feet.

  2. Can you Fairy Godmother in the same cartoon?

  3. Gross. I'll never understand the appeal of stink.

    1. You're right about that AC. Even though I think it's hilarious, there really isn't anything appealing about it.

  4. I just love this Cinderella, and I wish I could marry her!
    I'm a foot fetishist myself and I really appreciate all the frame-by-frame pictures and the GIFs here! This cartoon episode is really like a wet dream :D

  5. Also I love Cinderella's facial expressions when she is shocked from the stench of her own shoe and while she is holding her shoe away from her. Or while she is smiling at the prince or running away anxiously on the stairs. I find it sexy and dominant when girls with stinky feet look at you smiling! :D
