Monday, March 8, 2021

High-Rise Invasion: Yuri Honjo

She's Rika Honjo's little step sister and a God Candidate after putting on the Faceless Mask in order to save her friend, Mayuko Nise, from dying. She is heroic and believe she can return to the real world if she gain more allies around the lawless realm she is throw into while destroying the realm she was in. She gained powers from wearing the Faceless Mask such as Self Enhancement, Mask Manipulation, Superhuman Reflexes, and Crossing Dimensions. These are from Episodes 4, 7, and 11.


  1. Square of death again 😅

  2. I like the second one. She's not being tortured right?

    1. No, she was saving her friend, Mayuko Nise, from getting killed by Chef Mask.

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