Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Glitch Techs: Lexi Kubota (Part 2)

This is from the ninth episode of the first season where Lexi revealed to her having knowledge of her older sister, Miko's work being a Glitch Tech to ask her help for training before her martial arts finals, which Miko agrees, and called in her friend and partner, Five, for some help to sneak into the simulator at HQ by swiping Phil's access card and explain Lexi to Five. By activating the "Karate Trainer 4" dojo, Lexi struggles to learn the skills for the martial arts styles until Miko demonstrates as Five elaborates.


  1. Nice big compliation. Is she seen in anything other than her gi?

    1. Not that I know of since she rarely wear anything other than that. Do you hate the same clothes on people?
