Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Simpsons Foot Festival

I'll end this month with one of the longest running cartoon shows ever with the Simpsons. I only know very little of this series and I will not be watching it any time soon due to the length so if you want, tell your favorite foot scenes in this series and what will you do with the girls' feet.


  1. Lisa and Marge Simpson and all the other pretty females.

  2. Akira in Karate Gi and sandle on barefeet

  3. Did like Lisa sitting on her bed with her bare feet exposed though for some reason her feet were noticably bigger than usual

  4. They've really ramped up the foot service in recent seasons (most notably for Lisa and Marge) so it's a shame there's no archive here that's able to be readily updated.

    You could fill up an entire blog update with shots from the slumber party featured in The Hateful Eight-Year-Olds. We've had multiple shoe removal scenes. We've had Marge stringing popcorn with her toes in Tis the 30th Season. We had an exquisitely animated Lisa tantrum scene while barefoot in E My Sports. We had Marge's legs and feet literally twisted into knots in 101 Mitigations. We've even got teenage Lisa barefoot coming up in Mother and Child Reunion. And we've had countless scenes of them lounging around or walking barefoot.

    The last 4 years have easily led to the best foot content the series has had on offer in its rich history.
