Thursday, May 27, 2021

Attack on Titan (Season 3): Historia Reiss

She's the illegitimate child of the nobleman Rod Reiss and is the last remaining member of the Reiss royal family. She was raised in isolation on one of the Reiss family estates until the fall of Wall Maria which led to her mother's death shortly after the attack and she went under a different name, Krista Lenz, to join the Survery Corps to fight off the Titans and to forget about her past. She then later became the Queen of the Walls after the battle against the Armored, Beast and Collsal Titans at Shiganshina. These are from Episodes 6 to 8 in the third season.


  1. She gets one cool moment and gets turned into a baby maker.

  2. Replies
    1. Does she remind you on Relena Peacecraft from Gundam Wing in terms of her queen appearance?

    2. Sort of, but Relena is better looking.

  3. I still haven't gotten a chance to watch Attack on Titan but I heard a lot of good things about the series. Nice post Gumball.

    1. Actually, it was me who did this post, not Gumball.
