Saturday, May 15, 2021

Full Metal Panic: Kaname Chidori, Part 1 of 3

 Kaname is the female heroine of Full Metal Panic. She is an out going, short tempered high school girl, who also happens to be a 'whispered'.  The whispered were accidently created in from an experiment that took place on December 24, 198X at 11:50.  Any one born at that time have a super natural knowledge of math , engineering, and other sciences that allow them to build advance futuristic technology.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't really make to many gif's; but if you want you can make your own on one of the many GIF Maker sites. Sorry.

  2. Hey Paganax, have you heard of Heidi from Heidi’s Song (1982) or The Fairy Princess and the Unicorn (2019)?

    1. I just reserved Bayala, it looks like a lot of good pics. I probably won't be doing Heidi, maybe you could give it a try.

    2. Find a dvd copy (Walmart online is selling them for $10) or a video site that has the movie and use something like 'Snipping Tool' or 'Snip and Sketch' to take screen caps. Then ask Kingside Castle or one of the moderators to allow you to post it here.

  3. Sup Paganax, can you do Mahou Tsukai Tai!, after this?

    1. I'll try to get it out this year sometime.

  4. You really did her justice with this tribute.

  5. Top half is most likely the Xebec 4th series, lower half is Second Raid.
    Geez, poor show's been traded around by three different studios already, at least they managed to keep the designs and seiyuu consistent after so long.

    1. You're correct, and most of the Second Raid caps are from the episode 'Her Problem' (episode 9).

  6. So awesome. Great post Paganax. ^_^ I'm really going to love this set.
