Saturday, May 22, 2021

Full Metal Panic: Teletha 'Tessa' Testarossa


Teletha (Teresa) Testarossa is an American born whispered and a member of mithril.  As one of the whispered she was able to invent the 'Tuatha De Danaan' the advanced submarine she Captains, as well as 'Dana' the subs artificial intelligence.  She is a skilled strategist but, is often seen as weak by her subordinates do to her young age and lack of combat experience.  She can by clumsy at time but, is also very determined and will aggressively try to prove someone wrong if they don't think she is capable of something.



  1. Something about that platinum hair that always struck me something silly, too bad that's my brother's waifu.

    Anyone here considering doing a tribute for Berserk, or would that involve too much lewdness?

  2. Oh wow... another really nice girl from this series Paganax. ^_^

  3. which episode for first screenshots?

    1. I think that is episode 9 of Invisible Victory.
