Sunday, June 6, 2021

Castlevania: Lisa Tepes

 Continuing with the Castlevania Tributes. Here is a post dedicated to Dracula's wife Lisa. 

One Addition Animation

(These are from the Castlevania Season 4 Episode 10 "It's been a Strange Ride". This was the Final Episode of the series.)

Other Castlevania posts can be found via the Castlevania label here:
Just keep clicking on older posts to view them all.

Lisa is the wife of Dracula and mother of Alucard. She is a very kindhearted woman with a natural understanding of medicine. She used that knowledge to work as a healer. Unfortunately it caused her to be burnt as a witch. The death of his wife caused Dracula to declare a war against humanity

I mentioned in some earlier posts that Castlevania Symphony of the night was one of my favorite video games. Lisa appears in that game in one of Alucard's nightmares where he is forced to relive her death. The dream is shown to be the work of a succubus and leads to a pretty intense boss fight. The game reveals that it is due to his mother's kindness and love that Alucard attempts to stop his father and save humanity.

In the Netflix Anime. Lisa is portrayed very similar to the way she was in the game. She is healer with a quick wit, kind heart and dry sense of humor. Sadly she meets the same fate as her videogame counterpart early on in the series. It is worth noting there is a joke in the first episode where Lisa assures one of her customers that her feet weren't involved in making the medicine she was supplying. The makers of the series probably didn't take into account that there are a lot of people who might like that type of medicines.

In both incarnations... Lisa is a sweet woman who just cares about helping people. She is dazzlingly beautiful as well. It is easy to understand why Dracula would fall in love with her as well.

That's all for now. Still more Castlevania to come. I'll try post more during the weekends this summer. As always... more to come soon!


  1. Another great one. I just really can't get into how their faces are drawn. And the character I associate most with Castlevania is none other than Simon Belmont. Hero of the original two NES games. Is he in or mentioned in the series?

    1. Thanks Dan. With a character like this there winds up being a comparison between the Video Game artwork and the anime style itself. I think the anime did a pretty good job but I have to give Ayami Kojima's illustrations the edge. That might be nostalgia on my part because Symphony of the Night was one of my favorite videogames as a kid. Simon is definitely one of the classic Castlevania characters. This anime focuses on the Castlevania III storyline so it stars the trio of Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades and Dracula's son Alucard. I think if memory serves Trevor and Sypha are ancestors of Simon and in one game's rebooted continuity they are his parents. Sypha is shown to be pregnant at the end of the series thus hinting at the continued Belmont lineage.

    2. Right, Trevor came before Simon because Castlevania 3 is a prequel. And Alucard is the protagonist of Symphony of the Night. I love that title for some reason, and the original Japanese equivalent, Nocturne in the Moonlight. Simon's Quest is one of the best, but like Metroid, if I didn't have a map, I'd be lost. Incredible journeys across Planet Zebes and Romania.

    3. Dan, do you like Metroidvania games? I didn't know you like the title, "Symphony of the Night" and its Japanese title too.

    4. I do like the title. But I'd rather keep both of those franchises separate.

    5. I see. Which of the two franchises you prefer playing?

    6. Metroid has a slight edge.

    7. Like the whole franchise including the Prime games/

    8. Just the original NES one.

    9. Just the first game and not its sequels?

    10. I like the Metroidvania style of games too. I haven't played all the Metroid games but I have played Metroid II, Metroid Fusion and Super Metroid.

      For Castlevania I've played Castlevania I, Super Castlevania, Symphony of the Night, Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow, Lament of Innocence, Castlevania Legends, Castlevania: The Adventure and Dawn of Sorrow

  2. It really is a pity that Konami didn't come up with or outsourced a new Castlevania game to coincide with the final season. What a big missed opportunity.

    1. I don't think Konami care much about making video games outside of Benami stuff anymore.

    2. That would have been really cool if they had done that.

  3. Nice post, King. I saw the final season on Castlevania on the day it came out and it surprisedly got an happy ending despite the bloodshed and dark tone.

  4. >just really can't get into how their faces are drawn
    Designs kinda remind me of Reign The Conqueror for some reason.

    1. I think Reign of the Conquer reminds me more of Aeon Flux but I can see how you would make that comparison.
