Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took In a High School Runaway: Sayu Ogiwara

A high school girl that ran away from her home in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Encounters Yoshida on the night he was rejected by Gatou and asks him to let her stay at his place. I’d recommend the anime but keep in mind without going into spoilers her backstory is pretty f**ked up.


  1. A sad yet sweet anime, and she did have cute feet. Depressed her Gal friend never went barefoot

  2. Let me guess it's another one of the those heartwarming drama anime shows like Koikimo.

    1. Kinda of, the protagonist found this girl on the streets and she needed a home, and this girl want to do...ya know the S thing, but the guy is not interested

  3. You had me sold with the pants shots. Fabulous!

  4. She's really cute. ^_^ Great post Gumball.
