Wednesday, June 16, 2021

King of Fighters: Luong

Luong is a “femme fatale” type woman fighter with mysterious motivations. She met Gang-Il during his world tour, and fell in love with him. She’s a seductive woman of elegance, Luong likes to "play" with her opponents and feels excited in the heat of battle. Outside of battle, she shows less of her cold side and rather shows affection towards Gang-Il and his star student Kim, much to the latter's dismay given that he's already married with children.


  1. Man, if she's going to wear those pointless things on her feet, she may as well wear nothing at all on them. Great POV

    1. You mean those instep guards? yeah...I really wished we could see anyone removing those unlike from Tekken.

    2. Yes Johner, that's what I meant. I really don't think they have a point unless you wear something with a sole.
