Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Legend of Korra Art Books 1-4

 Like the series or not they still have feet


  1. Korra wasn't really my cup of tea. If I compared the two shows with soft drinks, Avatar is Cola and Korra would be Pepsi. Now, that doesn't mean that Pepsi bad, people like this drink, but it's no doubt, that most people would prefer Cola. This is also how I would describe Korra as a show. Not bad, but you can find better stuff. At least she has okay feet.

    1. I do have better stuff planned but I have to wait until it’s finished

    2. I'm talking about the show itself. Not about the feet.

    3. I thought was good. I think a lot of the tougher reviewers just compare it to its predecessor Avatar to which it pales in comparison.

  2. I am against ever seeing it, because i hate when they turn the tomboy gay and dont support any show that does it

    1. I’m not against gay characters in kid shows however I feel Korra being gay was just something that was thrown in the last minute and wasn’t really planned from the beginning. But in all fairness legend of Korra was one of the first shows that started this trope. I mean shows like Steven universe, Owl House, & She-Ra did it better because it seems like it was planned from the beginning. I mean yeah nowadays it does feel like that there are gay characters in cartoons just for the sake of having gay characters and not really justifying it but some cartoons do it well and others don’t and Korra is one that doesn’t. But you’re free to have your own opinion even if I don’t necessarily agree with it.

    2. I always wondered if it was planned from the star, that Korra was supposed to be a bisexual character. I have the feeling they just shoe-horned this in at the last minute to please the supporters.

    3. Hey! This is a show for 'grown-ups' which means it's only about grown-up stuff, got it?
      Buy yeah, I wouldn't be surprised in the near future tomboys will no longer be a thing as they'll either just make them into lesbians or FtMs. **spoiler**Betty DeVille**spoiler**

    4. Though to be fair she did kind of look like a stereotypical lesbian in the original also who even remembers Howard?

    5. >stereotypical lesbian
      There's a reason why they had the change the symbol on her shirt, you know. As the design was a subtle jab at feminists for social commentary at the time.
      Since Rugrats ACTUALLY did have very "grown-up" subtext and wasn't really afraid of shitting on certain groups, if Duckman wasn't already enough of an indication of that.

    6. All I’m saying it’s not a big deal, but conservatives make it a big deal

    7. @Gumball: From Rugrats? I do, I remember Howard very well. Kind of a weirdo though, Betty clearly wore the pants in that family. But I like Howard better than Drew.

    8. Stu: You're an absurd proposition! 🤣

    9. People bitching about it is an absurd proposition

    10. LOL! 😆 There's no way I can top that.

    11. Look people have the right to their own opinions but this is a website we’re people look at feet. Other people can talk about the political, social, equal, not-equal, whatever issues elsewhere. I just want people to judge the character’s feet otherwise they should piss off!

    12. Yes, I liked him. He had a very distinct voice. He used to lend it to the old Country Crock commercials.

    13. I was rooting for Korra to hook up with Mako or Asami but it didn't play out that way.

  3. Awesome hot to see a rare find of Asami.

  4. Hey Gumball, is there a like a literature place where animated feet lovers can read stories involving beloved fictional characters?
