Saturday, July 3, 2021

Bomberman Foot Festival

This is going to be an explosive Foot Festival with Bomberman. An series I remember since Bomberman 64 on the Nintendo 64 when I was still completely new to video games and I think it foes has female characters but I still want you guys though of an Female Bomber who blows up those who don't worship her feet.


  1. I've played the Bomberman games. They are really fun. With being threatened to worship a female Bomber's feet, mo mater what the outcome is... it is guaranteed to be a blast. :-D

  2. Even though they're just robots? In the early super fami/PC-engine games, Pretty Bomber was the sole reoccurring villainess who tries to wreck your shit on multiple occasions. Her role and antics are also very reminiscent to Fujiko's, so tsundere, queen bitch obviously. There's 64's Artemis and Hero's Natia, a literal dominatrix(but furry) but female bosses were always far and few between in Bomberman. God only knows why, but Konami just ginned up a bishoujo ecchi Bomberman spin-off out of nowhere. Might be interesting, JP-arcade only though.

    1. Yeah. Beauty Bomber helps, too. Pretty Bomber is a Goddess
