Monday, August 2, 2021

King's Raid: Maria

  Maria is the queen of CC since she literally has THE MOST cc and de-buffing skills in the game. She is S-ranked for PvPing and has an A-ranking for Raids/Fortress WB/ and regular WB's making her a pretty solid hero and slightly OP if she is acquired as a new player/early game, ESPECIALLY if you can build her completely (with her UW and UT's) and max out her abilities quickly. Speaking of her Unique weapon she technically only has a medium need for it, so need to stress over obtaining hers BUT if you have it or get her UW definitely use it.


  1. Replies
    1. I got this girls covered too. But it's too late to do her. Thanks a lot, Dean.

    2. Dan, I bet I can't redo this girl.

    3. Dan, are you sure? Or you're just saying that?

    4. No I'm sure, but I just wouldn't do it right at this very moment.

    5. When is an good time to redo them?

    6. Custom 958, I had her up and ready before you

    7. Dean: Oh, great, you beat me again. I hated when you do this. Now I never redo her! When did you saw this anime?

    8. Now I can't do her because of you, Dean.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
