Monday, September 13, 2021

Edens Zero: Xiaomei (Small Post)

She's an ancient fortune-teller who is capable of seeing virtually everything in the past, present,and future, with some peculiar and convenient limitations. She has an calm and serious disposition as well as being quite knowledgeable due to her power to see into the future. She enjoys watching the events of the story like battles and can be aroused to certain things in it. The reason why she's an barefooter is because of the requirement is to remove one's socks and shoes in order to meet with her in person at Mildian's Temple of Knowledge. She is the self-described narrator of the series capable of breaking the fourth wall and tells the viewer or reader about the situation the main characters are in depending on how important the story arc is. These are from Episodes 4 and 12.


  1. A cute barefooter, who is next? I'm excited about more.

  2. >introduced feet first
    >they're all dolled up for the occasion
    I love how they don't even try to be subtle about it.

  3. Wonderful, but I would never want to go to that Temple. She should get out a little more and meet people if she's able to.

    1. I ONLY did the English Dub of the anime since it was on Netflix and I can't understand why I can't make more posts on this series due to Dean.

    2. Was I out of line on this series?

  4. The best scene in the opening credit is when we get to see her bare soles coming down.
