Saturday, September 25, 2021

Pokémon Master Journeys: Bea (Preview)

The Pokémon anime knows this is what we want from her. I will post more when this episode airs.


  1. Man... she would have been such a good companion for Ash if Pokémon Journey's had been a traditional anime. Imagine having a macho girl in the anime with a hidden sweet personality.

  2. Unfortunately this is probably the the only good feet scene like her premiere episode.

    Fortunately, someone other there in production gives us these scenes whenever he can

  3. I hope there are more Pokemon barefooters with really good shots in the future.

  4. Too bad, that has no female companion in the new series. Imagine if Bea would have one of the new traveling partner for this anime, we would have seen her naked feet in almost all the episodes!

    1. She is not a main companion, just a side character such as Joy and Jenny.

    2. She doesn’t have to be interesting just have good feet scenes

    3. Would it be better if Ash just go on adventures with Go instead? Like it's more about those two than an trio.

  5. >ywn lift and train vigorously with brown Youmu having her snap all your joints back in place after a brutal workout session
    Why even live?
