Monday, November 8, 2021

Nävis: Nävis

Don’t let the images fool you she is in fact a girl, a jungle girl raised by a giant robot.  She’s a young human female who was shipwrecked and orphaned on an alien planet. She was raised from infancy by one of the ship's robots, Nsob, and has never met another human being. The series uses Navee as an outside viewer of the Wake convoy as she adjusts to life in this alien civilisation. These are from a series of books that go into her childhood. Tomorrow I’ll post her adult version 


  1. I thought it was a boy cause she’s wearing next to nothing, but I guess these foreign comics are pretty brave.

    1. Well... let's say in the past. I'm pretty sure European comics will not get away with this any more today. We also have a lot of rules in what can and can not be shown in comics and TV shows.

    2. Well I’m assuming it’s because since she’s a child that she’s flat chested and that their is nothing there really censor. In fact in some of the older cartoons like little lulu she doesn’t where a brassiere when swimming

    3. Yeah, but Little Lulu is also a very old product. Back then, you probably could get away with this.

  2. Hey I found some ideas wanna hear?

    1. Hey Gumball I've been meaning to ask you if you like nicole watterson feet? I personally love hers!

  3. I know this comic in France! I read 3 of them.
