Saturday, February 5, 2022

Call of Duty Foot Festival

This month will be called "The Shooter Month" for the Foot Festival, and I'll start with Call of Duty, the annualized FPS from Activision. In any installment of COD with female characters in it, whose feet do you want to play with let alone, rub after an long day during any war? Me, I prefer an female soldier who is always wanted an foot massage but afraid that she got smelly, sweaty feet from the same boots and socks she wears from fights.


  1. >cowadooty
    Maybe unless it's all modded out with, like, 2hu/Neptunia skins, I got nothin, sorry.

  2. I wonder if you even are a fan of these things you talk about, or you just randomly gather some random things you hear about and make posts about them.

  3. There was a operator pack from black ops cold war which has a female operator using high heels. So detailed but there wasnt any way to remove her shoes.
