Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dexter's Lab: Agent Honeydew

In Dial M for Monkey, she's Monkey's lover and best friend who can ask Monkey for help with her telepathic abilities. She came from an Bitish line of agents with a no-nonsense attitude while on missions. Despite their different species', Monkey and Honeydew's relationship is very close and romantic, as both are often seen going out on dates when off duty, sharing romantic dinners and Monkey staying over at her house where they apparently bathe together while she grooms him. She is like an animated Black Widow. This is from ""Orgon Grindor".


  1. I remember this show

    Never thought about how weird it was she was dating a monkey

    1. Same here. I thought it was weird too that she is dating an monkey.

  2. Interspecies dating, flamingly gay villains, using your sister as a honey trap to infiltrate and destroy your rival, those hips on that mom.
    Dexter was quite advanced for its time.

    God, I miss Powerhouse era CN.

    1. You got that right, I really missed the Powerhouse era of Cartoon Network.

    2. Do you think that early Cartoon Cartoons like this one, Dexter's Lab, were ahead of their time?

  3. ye, Dexter's Lab was sheer genius disguised as a kids show. Just one of the few at the time that didn't
    insult the intelligence of kids and even made it just simple enough for them to understand the not so kiddy undertones,
    which made it a little 'naughty'. Remember that one banned episode "Rude Removal"? You could tell Tartakovsky was hiding
    his actual power level for the stuff he really wanted to do, lel.
    Same could be said about classic PPGs too, even predicting the future

    1. I see. It's something you don't normally see nowadays, something that isn't sugarcoated by executives from the higher-ups of any TV network.

    2. Well, only unless it's agitprop or LBGTBRRAAAAAAAP propaganda, they'll literally trip over themselves to get it greenlit. nu-Blues clues...

    3. Yes, I know. What do you think about the current state of CN as an whole?

    4. I see. I love Puffy AmiYumi, it was just disappeared without warning from CN around 2006.

  4. Oh yeah, I remember that one very well.
