Monday, April 25, 2022

Edens Zero (manga): Rebecca's Ether Gear Activated

This is from Chapter 64 where Rebecca was fighting against Nico as her Ether Gear awakens thanks to the baths she had on the Edens Zero which causes it to manifest, she names her Ether Gear "Leaper" after her newly enhanced speed, unaware of its true power.


  1. I literally finished the 1st season last week

    Can't wait for next one

  2. On an unrelated do you guys feel about dirty yokai feet?
    Asking out of curiousty

    1. I don't know. How can I feel ghostly feet from dead female characters or yokai if I can't touch them?

    2. >dirty yokai feet
      Depends, any characters you have in mind?

    3. Something from ghostwire tokyo 😉

    4. I wanna be Shiromuku's husbando!

      Shame a lot the game's art is mostly fujo-centric.

  3. >pages 96 & 97
    Was the dialogue supposed to be that meta?

    1. Oh and page 100:
      >"That's the attack name from the manga."
      >"Right, the anime version was Bellholly kick."
      >"Well, I liked the manga better anyway."
      Sounds a bit too self-aware, don't you think?

  4. And this is only the beginning. THis is a permanent feature of her power, everytime she uses it it destroys her shoes, so if she's in a serious fight, she'll be barefoot for it. And when she gets a powerup for it, she transforms into a barefoot cat girl.

    1. So there's no need for her to wear shoes to begin with?

    2. Logically speaking probably not considering how much of a waste of money, resources and time it would be to wear shoes. She kind of gets around it by wearing sandals that she can easily take off but in other situations where she has to wear a flight suit it would make more sense for her to just be barefoot all the time.

      The reason she does beyond when they are in space is because it'd be extremely uncomfortable to walk barefoot everywhere and Rebecca doesn't seem like the type to pull a Ryu and learn to deal with it.

    3. So you're saying that there are times or places that she needs to be barefoot and times to wear shoes?

    4. Pretty much. I mean it's a space travel manga where they go to all kinds of insane planets. Some where being Barefoot wouldn't be especially safe. If this was more like say Fairy Tail where it's just traveling a single continent then going barefoot all the time would probably be more doable.

      Frankly I'm just happy she litterally have to be barefoot to use her powers and as seen with her Overdrive mode, it's an actual requirement of her powers as opposed to simply something she can alter in the future.

    5. Quite a crazy Ether Gear for speed and can change future events.

    6. My guess is Mashima just decided to finally take the full on foot fetish role with Rebecca after showing it quite a bit with Lucy, especially given her outfit with Dragon Cry.

    7. Maybe you might be right. Would you go all out with your foot fetish in terms of being true to yourself?

  5. Rebecca is the best girl in Edens Zero!
    You go, girl!

  6. She may as well go barefoot all the time if she's going to end up destroying all her shoes.

    1. Do you think that would work or this is just another way to throw in foot fetish running gags on female feet?

    2. In this case, I think it would work both ways.

    3. Absolutely, why wouldn't I be?

    4. OK. I wonder if there's an pair of footwear she can wear that can withstand the destructive power of her Ether Gear?

  7. As someone who's 150+ chapters into the manga, I can confirm that this is only a small margin of whats to come.

    Not to mention Mashima-sensei tends to draw Rebecca barefoot quite often, even when she isn't using her Ether Gear. He's definitely a fellow foot appreciator, if his art in his previous series were any indication.
