Thursday, May 19, 2022

An Utena Question

If anyone who know or seen Revoltionary Girl Utena back in the day or recently, would you use gentle foot worshipping on ladies' feet as an symbol of your love for female feet or tell the truth about your love for feet?


  1. Utena was really 'revolutionary' during it's time. Presenting a tasteful yuri relationship broke a lot of barriers.

  2. Not really understanding the point of the question here. Because just the implication behind the act of "gentle foot worship" is already pretty much a bold, unspoken declaration that you love feet, isn't it?

    1. What are you trying to say? Are you being brutally honest or just mocking me?

    2. ?
      Uhh, neither?
      But what are you trying to imply by saying >symbol in "use gentle foot worshipping on ladies' feet as an symbol of your love", when the mere act of worshiping someone's foot already shows her that you love feet.

    3. I can't figure that out? Are you always talking about randomness?

    4. Please give me your Gmail address.

    5. I never use my Goolag address, but I think what we've got here is failure to communicate.
      Now assuming what you interpret as "randomness", is likely me being a bit heavy with net colloquialisms and I guess you not understanding of a lot of them. Understandable, but you should at least understand my very simple question.

      Better address is on my profile.

    6. Guess you never needed my address after all, huh. Even updated my profile and everything.

      Look, it's not necessary at all to delete your post. Besides, that would just be a cop-out.
      I was trying to get you to see that you basically just listed a slight variant of the same choice twice on your post without realizing. Now maybe another way you could have phrased your Utena question to make it less redundant sounding, would be more like:

      "If you were to portray your love for feet through art or literature, would you rely on the clever usage of symbolism and subtext - taking a page straight out of the anime "Revolutionary Girl Utena" - for a more subtle, less direct approach so the audience can speculate and draw their owns conclusions? Or do away with all pretenses and lay your passions bare, for all to see, for a more bold and direct approach?

  3. Eh, I say "Why choose?". Sometimes even after explaining something, your words fall short of visual and physical demonstrations,.
