Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Taekwon Kid: Bae Ji-ni (Redheaded Taekwondo Girl), part 1 of 3.

Taekwon kid is a Korean animated series about a group of kids staring a Tae Kwon Do club at school.  Two Arabic language version of the show can be found on Youtube; however, neither have English subtitles and information on the series is limited (I still do not know the name of the blue haired girl from episode 15.).  These screen captures are from Salamander's channel as they are of a better quality and have all the episodes. It can also be found on Middle East Media where it is known as Fareq El Mahara.

First up is the red haired Bae Ji-ni.  She was the first person at her school to join the team and did a lot of the work to get the club room in shape.  She seems to be supportive and kind with a bit of a fiery temper when someone crosses her.  Her martial arts skills seem to be somewhere in the middle of the gang.


  1. Where can I watch this show? I can't find it anywhere online. Are there any more obscure Korean shows with more like this?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm asking Paganax, not you.

    3. The two orange colored links on top should take you to 'Salamander's anime' or 'Middle east media' which have this show. Unfortunately, I don't think an English version of this series exists.
      I don't know if they are Korean, but Salamander's channel has a lot of different shows on it.

    4. Paganax: So you can watch it on YouTube? Does it have any English subs?

    5. Paganax: That's too bad, can you understand or translate other languages outside of English?

  2. Holy over-saturation Batman! It's like those cut-scenes straight outta Sega Saturn games.
