Thursday, July 28, 2022

Nami Poll

Which version of Nami do you prefer and why?


  1. Short hair, because her feet were bigger back then. I prefer girls with big feet over girls with big boobs.

    1. So big female feet are better than big breasts?

  2. Nami was my first anime crush. I never liked it how overly sexualized she got.

  3. I think I prefer the short-hair Nami for some outside reasons besides the nostalgic factor like Kid Goku ~~~ There's too much long haired orange head girls on the shonen and the anime at that time when Nami - got her hair long - that I remembered before

    I have no idea if this was intentional or not. I mean Orihime from Bleach existed then I'm pretty sure there are many to count for.

    1. Do you hate orange long haired girls in shonen?

    2. and what made you think I don't like em? - I love long hairs in general, in fact of all the orange heads out there I think I grew fond of Shirley from Code Geass and Eris from Planet Cats (then there's nanaka's Grandblue) but I just am fond on Nami's short hair more than her longer hair part.

    3. So long haired girls are fine but short ones like Nami are still great to you?

  4. Short hair nami...cause it's cuter

  5. Eh, I have a thing for short hair in general, so short-haired Nami for me. That said, there are girls I'm willing to make exceptions for, like Yoko Littner or Lafter Frankland or Yoruichi Shihouin.

  6. I like post timeskip Nami because her long hair makes her sexier for some reasons.
