Friday, July 15, 2022

RPG Fudousan: Fa

A half-human creature with a tail, Fa is a happy-go-lucky girl who sometimes fails to take her realty job seriously. Being somewhat of a nuisance in the workplace, Fa nevertheless serves as the company's unofficial mascot, winning over prospective home-buyers simply with her charming presence. She also has the novel ability to communicate with many different creatures, and would usually serve as an interpreter between beasts and humans. After inviting Kotone to live alongside her, both Fa and Kotone develop an almost sisterly bond with each other.


  1. The tail ruins the cuteness Factor slightly.

  2. Etto... Ano sa... I think you may entered the wrong character bio there, ma' guy.

    1. >A half-human creature with a tail
      Coincidentally, I just fought the would-be spitting, curvaceous image of this Fa girl.
