Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Digimon Question on Big Feet

Let me ask you this question: Why do the characters in the early Digimon series/seasons like Adventure (1999) and Tamers got such huge feet? Don't get me wrong, I love huge feet on female characters in anime and cartoons due to how meaty and sexy they are in sandals but I noticed some anime produced by Toei like Ojamajo Doremi and the first few seasons of the Pre-timeskip One Piece.


  1. It could be due to different factors such as the way the 90s shoe trends were back then( the shoes never bother me, it was why half of the team had gloves on). Adventure never had the best animation even when Toei was involved. Honestly I feel like Mimi is the one that has the biggest notice just because she has big proportions. The other thing could be since most of the character were still very young they hadn't grown yet. Most of the mothers don't have big feet when you see them is more as in their proportions balance everything as they get older. So one way or another the majority of female characters will have average height but their shoe size would be slightly bigger. This tends to happen in real life when you notice younger siblings have slightly bigger feet even when they haven't hit the double digits. Remind you things started to change around the fifth season when they didn't look like elementary school kids. Feet can be such a pain for animators.

    1. Oh, wow, you probably be right. I guess the older you get, the smaller the feet are or to just match your height in order to have a balance between body parts like feet. I wonder if other 90s anime got bigger female feet than later shows on like in the 2000s to the 2020s.

  2. Replies
    1. When did Digimon stopped with the big feet on the characters? Like what series got more realistic, normal-sized human feet?

    2. I think it was when Tamers came, but I could be wrong.

    3. No, it was after Frontier. Digimon Savers was the first one to have a different character designer.

    4. So Savers (Data Squad) is the first series to not have big feet on the characters?

  3. Here's the actual truth. This has been discussed on forums for a long time, and the answer is actually quite simple: the character designer just wasn't good at drawing hands and feet, so he used a sort of Disney style, while also giving almost all characters huge shoes and gloves. I'm dead serious.

    1. Does it mean for other Toei Animation shows too like the first three seasons of Pretty Cure: Futari wa to Splash Star?

    2. Different character designers. This only happened in Digimon, Digimon 02 and Tamers.

    3. What kind of character design do you like in Digimon?

    4. For me, nothing beats the original series. Remember that scene in episode 15 when Mimi's bathing? Yup, still undefeated.

    5. I don't remember that episode. You really love Mimi, huh?

    6. You never forget your first childhood crush, my friend.

    7. Correct. She is also an excellent candidate.

    8. Usagi is an iconic main character.

    9. >the character designer just wasn't good at drawing hands and feet,

      I can absolutely see that being the truth, just as I can see that it wouldnt've been an issue if Sunrise Studios had animated the "Digimon" franchise from the get-go. I mean, just look at the series Sunrise was airing at the same time as the first "Digimon Adventure".

  4. Have wonder before what the designer want to go with this idea.

    1. Like the character designer can't make up his mind on making Digimon human characters?

    2. Like he was going with old school cartoonish approach.

    3. But more human than cartoonish?

    4. With the Mimi bath scene where she has her foot in the air, yes.
