Thursday, August 4, 2022

Bungo Stray Dogs: Kyoka Izumi

She's one of the most recent members of the Armed Detective Agency once being exlied from the Port Mafia. During her time as a member of the Port Mafia, she was an emotionless doll who follow orders and was deadly to kill her enemies until she met Atsushi who slowly turned her good and gave her an reason to live despite his troubled past on helping people would get his allies into hot water. She was once an happy child living with her parents before they were killed by Demon Snow. She controls Demon Snow, an sword-wielding ghost assassin shaped like an female human in an kimono which only activates from orders given to her from an flip phone she carries around her due to her power's incompletion. This is from Season 2 Episodes 10 to 12.


  1. She has such an adorable smile.

  2. Rescue her from those shackles!

    1. She was saved by the Agency from a plane crash to save Yokohama from being destroyed.
