Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Chocotto Sister: Choco

  The little sister that Santa brought to Haruma. She is sweet and very innocent, all her knowledge of the world initially derived from an instruction manual she was given before her delivery to Haruma's home. Apparently the manual does not cover all situations and it is not really written for someone of Choco's level of experience. Some of the information is even quite inappropriate for someone of her age... Choco appears to be a sweet girl and is very fond of her new "onii-chan", as she immediately identified Haruma.


  1. So she's the title character. I know you by now Dean, you've been saving her up. The tippy toe ones are amazing!

    1. Yeah but again no one really paying attention I mean I get it. It's Labor Day for some people no I'm not upset or anything.

    2. Yeah, but that was nearly three days ago. People just don't want to comment anymore it seems. Benny seems to be the most faithful follower who's not a contributor.

  2. Dang, I remember when they made "how do i shot web" memes of this girl on good ol' wakachan(RIP).
    Also you missed one.

    1. And lo and behold, there he is! Glad you could make it today. You're the most faithful follower of this blog who's not a contributor. You and Layne I'd say.

    2. Yep, too much of stubborn sperg to go anywhere so I'm stuck here like polyp.
      I know it's not like there's any competition with other sites and is more a 'anything goes' with uploads, but I imagine others users are probably anticipating the more flavor-of-the-month content and likely ran out of patience.
      Also, haven't seen that other dude with the loli, loli with the ribbon avatar in a long while, forgot name, I can't into names...

    3. Don't worry, we like that you stick around. I think the one you're thinking of may have been Gammy Fammy.
