Monday, September 19, 2022

Flats vs. Heels

Which of these two women's closed toed footwear do you prefer more in terms of outfits and daily errands when it comes to female feet? Like as an foot fetishist, you can only choose one of these two and not vote at all if you don't care about them. Powered by Poll Maker


  1. Rebecca the Panther has black ballet flats on.

  2. Flats really, heels are for masochists plus they give the foot an unnatural shape.

    1. Why do flats are made to be worn barefooted if not no-show socks since the feet will sweat and stink faster?

    2. >Why do flats are made to be worn barefooted
      Because of the open-top design.
      >if not no-show socks
      The no-show socks purpose is actually help to reduce stench and sweat while still being fashionable.
      Also at times worn just to be a deceptive, cock-teasing cunt.

    3. Open-top design? So do you like flats more than heels?

    4. Open-top just refers to shoes with tops exposed, both flats and and open heels are intended to show off skin. Nylons or tights compliment them too because they're skin-tight and translucent.

      >So do you like flats more than heels?
      You really can't tell from my first statement?

    5. Could you say open toed instead?
      Are you saying I didn't understand what your first statement was? Like I didn't listen to you?
      Why flats are that good to you despite what you meant?

    6. >Could you say open toed instead?
      Because it's literally not, there's a clear difference between open-top (just the insteps revealed) and open-toe.
      Also I'm retarded and meant all heels really, since closed heels don't exist and are literally just booties.
      Bad enough I already know that much about women's clothes to start with...
      >Are you saying I didn't understand what your first statement was? Like I didn't listen to you?
      Yes, guessing you just can't into nuance and need to told in more exact terms.
      >despite what you meant?
      Oh, you mean without my sperglording? I dunno, flats just look less painful and more pleasant to look at.

    7. Benny: Are you always like this? Just to irritate people like me? Not to be rude but I just wanted if flats are pretty cute on bare feet.

    8. Sometimes I have trouble expressing how I feel about certain things into words so please be patient.
      I don't really know how to see flats or other footwear as "cute", I just look at what's more practical.
      Besides, all I really care about is what's inside them.

    9. The insoles whether or not they are being buried with socked or bare feet?

    10. Well not the insoles, but ye, like that pic of Kyouko I posted, the footwear are that infernal obstacle serving as the last line of separation between you and your greatest desire. And just when you've thought you've finally cleared it... BAM Another obstacle...!

    11. Removing them should be as least tedious as possible, which is why I prefer removing shoes without socks. However there are methods (depending on looseness) to remove both with ease in the other case.

    12. I see. Do you hate socks on feet?

    13. No, I just don't like it taking so much time to get to what I like, kills the mood. Now one shortcut I know:
      is if you can smoothly slide your two fingers, spread out pointing downwards, around the back of the ankle, inserted all the way down, down inside the heel of both shoe and sock, pushing down the counter or back of shoe and sock so both fingers can meet under the bare skin of the heel, touching down on the insole, finally slipping off both shoe and sock with one quick motion.
      Essentially killing two birds with one stone to meet your goal.

      Mfw holy shit I need healthier hobbies.

  3. :-) It is impossible not to choose heels when Sailor Mars is used as an example/

  4. I'm a flats guy. Mainly because it leads to more shoeplay from the wearer than if they were in heels.

    As a kid, I always found myself enraptured by my female teachers or classmates when they'd dangle their flats or let them drop to the floor so they can air out and wiggle/scrunch their toes. This was long before I even knew what a foot fetish was.

    There's that and I also prefer flats from a fashion standpoint. As my female friends have told me, they tend to prefer flats over heels because while flats also have their issues, heels do so much damage to their feet long-term.

    Heels may look nice, but personally I never saw the appeal in a woman (or anyone) wearing them.

    1. I see. Why do flats are mostly worn without socks?

    2. Honestly, I've always wondered that myself. Lol

    3. Think of it this way: if you were a woman, would you wear a sweater under a bustier, no, because that would defeat their propose.
      And also 'toe cleavage' is a thing for a reason.
