Tuesday, October 25, 2022

In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki: Housenka

  Member of Monkey Squad. Thinks the name Monkey Squad is lame, and wants it switched with Dog Squad.

She is absolutely determined to one day defeat Team Dog in combat in the hopes that she can claim their teamname in favor of Team Monkey's, despite the fact that they can't swap team names. This does not impair on her goal in the slightest.


  1. First of all, all the girls are cute! And second when are team sheep? And Third, can you post twice these kunoichi? I love your work them.

  2. >(541) & (542)
    god I wish that was me. It's not fair...

  3. Another top favorite for me! Her hair reminds me of Acerola, I gotta admit.
