Monday, November 7, 2022

Shinbi Apartment (The Haunted House): Hari Koo (The rest of Season 3)

Here are the remainder of images I have for Hari from the 3rd season. Also included is more custom art for her, Gaeun, Sara, Heewon, Charlene, and even her mom Jimi. I hope to have more once Season 4 episodes become available. 

And, we also have a few from the 2nd movie

Jimi Yoo, Hari and Doori's mom

Sara in her 4th ending outfit


Charlene, who was Gaeun in her previous life

Gaeun in Pajamas

Urban Gaeun

Urban Hari

Hari in her 2nd summer outfit

Hari and her friends run off into the sunset for now, but they'll be back soon, guaranteed.

We love you guys!


  1. Quite a fantastic post, Dan! You sure do enjoy socked female feet as much as bare feet. I appreciate you continue where I left off in this show. Hopefully, there's more of Hari and Gaeun's feet.

    1. Thanks! I specifically enjoy Hari's socked feet very much. She just looks really good in them.

    2. Are those your favorite kind of socked feet in animated form?
