Wednesday, January 11, 2023

UFC Female Feet

I was thinking about an mixed martial arts tournament similar to the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Champion) but instead of real-life female fighters, this is going to be your own way of UFC; one thing I needed you to know is that this is ONLY on fictional characters like in cartoons and anime. Like Toph from Avatar: TLA/Korra vs. Morgiana from Magi without their powers, just their strengths. The rules are the same as the real UFC but no killing anybody and you can go up to ten rounds with a time limit of 3 minutes. How would you like this?


  1. Kewl. Ya know, that actually sounds a bit like 8chanmania. Where this one dude would livestream (blocked in the US, unless on VPN) this really comprehensive, sports dramatization of all his fan favorites, all duking it out in this heavily modified version of the game Fire Pro Wrestling World (FPWW). Even included its own autistic lore, continuity and everything, as if watching kayfabe straight out of WWE.

    1. Have you seen any matches from there?

    2. There's over 5 hours of footage right there in the 2nd link, but guess you can't view it since it's blocked in the States...
      And today, just remembered this absolute mad lad did an actual 2hu UFC, in a similar fashion using in MMD lel.

      Speaking of 2hu, I left a comment on your "Touhou Foot Festival", that somehow got deleted, that mentioned if you had any plans of doing anything Touhou Project related for future posts. If so, that'd be fuggin awesome :DDDDDDD

    3. OK. Maybe you're a fan of UFC.

    4. If it's 2DQTs, getting wild, rough 'n steamy, sure.
